1. Characteristic Numbers Divided 2 (Two)
If the last digit of that number is zero or an even number.
- 10 is divisible by 2 since last digit zero.
- 1238 is divisible by 2 because the last digit is even.
2. Characteristic Numbers divisible by 3 (Three)
If the number of figures of the numbers divisible by 3.
- 228 is divisible by 3, because the amount of numbers ie 2 +2 + 8 = 12 is divisible by 3.
(228: 3 = 76)
- 6294 is divisible by 3, because the amount of numbers that is 6 + 2 + 9 + 4 = 21 (21 is divisible by 3) then 6294 is divisible by 3.
(6294: 3 = 2098)
3. Characteristic Numbers divisible by 4 (Four)
- If two (2) 00 final figures.
- If two (2) the last digit is divisible by 4.
- 3100 is divisible by 4, because her last two digits 00.
(3100: 4 = 775)
- 1032 is divisible by 4, because her last two digits (ie 32) is divisible by 4.
(1032: 4 = 258)
4. Characteristic Numbers divisible by 5 (Five)
If the last digit 0 or 5.
- 20 is divisible by 5, because the last digit 0. (20: 5 = 4).
- 6995 is divisible by 5, because the last digit 5. (6995: 5 = 1399).
5. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 6 (Six)
If the last digit even or zero and the number of figures that make up the numbers divisible by 3.
- 228 is divisible by 6, because the last digit is even and the number of numbers (2 + 2 + 8 = 12) is divisible by 3.
(228: 6 = 38)
- 720 is divisible by 6, because the last digit 0 and the number of figures (ie 7 + 2 + 0 = 9) is divisible by 3. So, 720 is divisible by 6.
(720: 6 = 120)
6. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 7 (Seven)
There are no special features.
7. Shared characteristics Numbers Out 8 (Eight)
If the last three digits 000 or three last digits divisible by 8.
- 3000 is divisible by 8, because the last three digits 000.
- 4128 is divisible by 8, because the last three digits (ie 128) is divisible by 8. (128: 8 = 16).
So, 4128: 8 = 516.
8. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 9 (Nine)
If the number of numbers divisible by 9.
- 117 is divisible by 9, because the number of numbers (ie 1 + 1 + 7 = 9) is divisible by 9.
So, 117: 9 = 13.
- 9837 is divisible by 9, because (9 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 27). So, 9837: 9 = 1093.
9. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 10 (Ten)
If the last digit 0 (zero).
If the last digit of that number is zero or an even number.
- 10 is divisible by 2 since last digit zero.
- 1238 is divisible by 2 because the last digit is even.
2. Characteristic Numbers divisible by 3 (Three)
If the number of figures of the numbers divisible by 3.
- 228 is divisible by 3, because the amount of numbers ie 2 +2 + 8 = 12 is divisible by 3.
(228: 3 = 76)
- 6294 is divisible by 3, because the amount of numbers that is 6 + 2 + 9 + 4 = 21 (21 is divisible by 3) then 6294 is divisible by 3.
(6294: 3 = 2098)
3. Characteristic Numbers divisible by 4 (Four)
- If two (2) 00 final figures.
- If two (2) the last digit is divisible by 4.
- 3100 is divisible by 4, because her last two digits 00.
(3100: 4 = 775)
- 1032 is divisible by 4, because her last two digits (ie 32) is divisible by 4.
(1032: 4 = 258)
4. Characteristic Numbers divisible by 5 (Five)
If the last digit 0 or 5.
- 20 is divisible by 5, because the last digit 0. (20: 5 = 4).
- 6995 is divisible by 5, because the last digit 5. (6995: 5 = 1399).
5. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 6 (Six)
If the last digit even or zero and the number of figures that make up the numbers divisible by 3.
- 228 is divisible by 6, because the last digit is even and the number of numbers (2 + 2 + 8 = 12) is divisible by 3.
(228: 6 = 38)
- 720 is divisible by 6, because the last digit 0 and the number of figures (ie 7 + 2 + 0 = 9) is divisible by 3. So, 720 is divisible by 6.
(720: 6 = 120)
6. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 7 (Seven)
There are no special features.
7. Shared characteristics Numbers Out 8 (Eight)
If the last three digits 000 or three last digits divisible by 8.
- 3000 is divisible by 8, because the last three digits 000.
- 4128 is divisible by 8, because the last three digits (ie 128) is divisible by 8. (128: 8 = 16).
So, 4128: 8 = 516.
8. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 9 (Nine)
If the number of numbers divisible by 9.
- 117 is divisible by 9, because the number of numbers (ie 1 + 1 + 7 = 9) is divisible by 9.
So, 117: 9 = 13.
- 9837 is divisible by 9, because (9 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 27). So, 9837: 9 = 1093.
9. Characteristic Numbers Out Divided 10 (Ten)
If the last digit 0 (zero).
1. Ciri Bilangan Dibagi 2 (Dua)
Jika angka terakhir dari bilangan itu adalah nol atau bilangan genap.
- 10 habis dibagi 2 karena angka terakhirnya nol.
- 1.238 habis dibagi 2 karena angka terakhirnya genap.
2. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 3 (Tiga)
Jika jumlah angka-angka dari bilangan itu habis dibagi 3.
- 228 habis dibagi 3, karena jumlah angka-angkanya yaitu 2 +2 + 8 = 12 habis dibagi 3.
(228 : 3 =76)
- 6.294 habis dibagi 3, karena jumlah angka-angkanya yaitu 6 + 2 + 9 + 4 = 21 (21 habis dibagi 3) maka 6.294 habis dibagi 3.
(6294 : 3 = 2098)
3. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 4 (Empat)
- Jika dua (2) angka terakhirnya 00.
- Jika dua (2) angka terakhirnya habis dibagi 4.
- 3.100 habis dibagi 4, karena dua angka ter-akhirnya 00.
(3.100 : 4 = 775)
- 1.032 habis dibagi 4, karena dua angka ter-akhirnya (yaitu 32) habis dibagi 4.
(1.032 : 4 = 258)
4. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 5 (Lima)
Jika angka terakhirnya 0 atau 5.
- 20 habis dibagi 5, karena angka terakhirnya 0. (20 : 5 = 4).
- 6.995 habis dibagi 5, karena angka terakhirnya 5. (6.995 : 5 = 1.399).
5. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 6 (Enam)
Jika angka terakhirnya genap atau nol dan jumlah angka-angka yang membentuk bilangan itu habis dibagi 3.
- 228 habis dibagi 6, karena angka terakhirnya genap dan jumlah angka-angkanya (2 + 2 + 8 = 12) habis dibagi 3.
(228 : 6 = 38)
- 720 habis dibagi 6, karena angka terakhirnya 0 dan jumlah angka-angkanya (yaitu 7 + 2 + 0 = 9) habis dibagi 3. Maka, 720 habis dibagi 6.
(720 : 6 = 120)
6. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 7 (Tujuh)
Tidak ada ciri khusus.
7. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 8 (Delapan)
Jika tiga angka terakhirnya 000 atau tiga angka terakhirnya habis dibagi 8.
- 3.000 habis dibagi 8, karena tiga angka terakhirnya 000.
- 4.128 habis dibagi 8, karena tiga angka terakhirnya (yaitu 128) habis dibagi 8. (128 : 8 = 16).
Jadi, 4.128 : 8 = 516 .
8. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 9 (Sembilan)
Jika jumlah angka-angkanya habis dibagi 9.
- 117 habis dibagi 9, karena jumlah angka-angkanya (yaitu 1 + 1 + 7 = 9) habis dibagi 9.
Jadi, 117 : 9 = 13.
- 9.837 habis dibagi 9, karena (9 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 27). Jadi, 9.837 : 9 = 1.093.
9. Ciri Bilangan Habis Dibagi 10 (Sepuluh)
Jika angka terakhirnya 0 (nol).
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